

The first issue of Roadsides was published five years ago in February 2019. We have taken great joy working on Roadsides for the past years and look forward to publishing it well into the future. Although the editorial team works for the journal pro bono, we nevertheless face significant expenses: for example, we pay a copyeditor and graphic designer, maintain the domain and handle hosting costs, and routinely manage other fees so that Roadsides continues to shine. Above all, we remain committed to keeping the journal entirely OPEN ACCESS and available for free online. In short, we have no steady source of funding, but if you enjoy reading Roadsides, and want to support us, please consider making a donation to our Association in the amount of your choice.

All donations go to the Roadsides Association and will be spent on the fundamental operational costs of the journal, including copyediting, design and website maintenance. The Roadsides Association has its seat in Fribourg, Switzerland. More information about our recently organized Association can be found here. The Association does not pursue commercial purposes and does not seek profit; all editorial and journalistic members of the organization are active on an honorary basis. The association meets all fiscal and other administrative responsibilities under Swiss law.

Our bank details:

Bank name: Freiburger Kantonalbank
Bank address: Boulevard de Pérolles 1, CH-1701 Freiburg, Switzerland
IBAN: CH54 00768300 1730 8230 2
Swift: BEFRCH22
Clearing: 768
Recipient: Verein ‘Roadsides’
Address of the recipient: University of Fribourg, Sozialanthropologie, Boulevard de Pérolles 90, 1700 Fribourg, Swiitzerland