Open Access

This section is devoted to the debate on Open Access (OA) in the social sciences and humanities. We also introduce here fellow Open Access journals, which identify with a similar set of values as we do. These values are, most importantly, academic freedom, integrity, fairness and creativity. Our long-term goal is to create a strong network of high-quality and mutually supportive OA journals, which will actively contribute to the transformation of the academic publishing landscape.

Take a few minutes to read the Open Access Manifesto co-authored by thirteen editors of OA journals, knowledge platforms, and blogs – among others, our managing editor Agnieszka Joniak-Lüthi.

Below you find a selection of our fellow OA journals.


Anuac is the international peer-reviewed, open access journal of the Italian Society of Cultural Anthropology (SIAC). Anuac fosters and promotes the dissemination of anthropological knowledge and publishes original research contributions in all fields of social and cultural anthropology. It accepts contributions in Italian, English, French, Spanish and Portuguese.



entanglements: experiments in multimodal ethnography (ISSN 2516-5860) is a peer-feedback, open-access journal set up in March 2018. It is an experimental journal focused on the multimodal ethnographic theory and practice and is published twice a year. The journal aims to enable and encourage forms of expression and communities of practice around multimodality in a range of research topics and across disciplines and media. The editors will discuss and work with authors on the production of multimodal articles.



Launched in 2019, Exertions is the short-form web publication of the Society for the Anthropology of Work. With Exertions, SAW aims to accelerate the exchange of ideas between scholars of work and their interlocutors, as well as to challenge assumptions about what kinds of scholarship “count” in the academy. We welcome submissions including but not limited to fieldwork vignettes, theoretical provocations, and works of public scholarship. By offering the option of open peer review, Exertions will also allow readers to trace how scholarly work evolves from initial submission to finished product.


Made in China

The Made in China Journal is an open access quarterly on labour, civil society, and human rights in China. The publication was founded in 2016 on the belief that spreading awareness of the complexities and nuances underpinning socioeconomic change in contemporary Chinese society is important, especially considering how in today’s globalised world Chinese labour issues have reverberations that go well beyond national borders. Over the years, the project quickly developed in previously unforeseen directions, including not only the journal, but also book series, summer schools, and other events.The Made in China initiative rests on two pillars: the conviction that today more than ever it is necessary to bridge the gap between the scholarly community and the general public, and the related belief that open access is necessary to ethically reappropriate academic research from commercial publishers who restrict the free circulation of ideas.


Water Alternatives

The editorial team of Water Alternatives shares the view that water problems have often been framed in too narrow and too disciplinary ways, despite the apparent emphasis on integrated management. We also hold that the political dimension of water resources development and management at all scales has been underplayed. As a result, perhaps, debates have often revolved around, and been stifled by, ‘social engineering’ concepts and models. Critiques of dominant modes of addressing water issues have been limited and too often left to radical or ideological contenders. Water Alternatives is meant to provide space for creative and free thinking on water, fostering debate, eliciting innovative alternatives, promoting original analyses and constructive critiques.
